Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing
Research Article

Developing Family Planning Attitude Scale

Florence Nightingale J Nurs 2007; 15: 155-164
Read: 2449 Downloads: 1111 Published: 20 December 2019

This study was planned development of a scale aim to measure attitude toward family planning in Turkey. This study is planned to measure the validity and reliability of scales which determines the family planning attitude as a methodological survey. Item pool is to form by researcher. Item pool is to formed is assesment by 12 judge family planning, testing - evaluation and pychometry expert. Scale from by judge assesment is make pretest 30 person. Item in scale from by pretest analysis is assesment by thesis judge and unclear ›tem is deleted. Two phasis stratified systematic random sampling in 381 household, along with 92-item a self-administered format, were utilized. The sample of per 3 people in 381 household from Ankara Municipality area in 1142 consumers consisted of 631 women (55.3%) and 511 men (44.7%). Confirmatory factor analysis was used to assess the structural and psycometric properties of the attitude toward family planning scale. The resulting 34 - item, Likert -type scale and to have 3 sub-scale was found to have an internal consistency reliability coefficient of / cronbach alpha 0,90. The ›tems in scale were found between minimal point of 0,31 and maximal point of 0,59. The mean is measure different (Hotelling T_=1865,06, p=,0000). Item is speciality to Likert type is addictive (F=54,9322, p=,0000).The scale has been shown to be discriminative to person to person (F=105,0418, p=0000). To our opinium this scale can be used effectively for attitude evaluation in family planning in Türkiye Suggesting to 34- item family planning scale speciality Turkish people, is make use bigger survey than this research  

EISSN 2687-6442