Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing
Research Article

Investigation with Braden Scale of Pressure Wound Risk in the Patients with Cerebrovascular Disease

Florence Nightingale J Nurs 2008; 16: 150-156
Read: 1326 Downloads: 736 Published: 19 December 2019

Purpose: The most effective approach in pressure wound is the identification of patients at risk and their prevention. This research was conducted as a descriptive study to determine the risk for pressure wound development in patients admitted to Cumhuriyet University Hospital with the diagnosis of CVD.

Method: The data were obtained using a Patient Information Form and the Braden Scale for predicting pressure wound risk and analyzed in the SPSS program. Percentage calculation and Chi square tests were used in the statistical analysis.

Results: It was determined that more than half of the patients were found to be at high risk for pressure wound development and that those at highest risk were the patients who had the diagnosis of cerebral hemorrhage, who were over 56 years, obese, hospitalized for more than 22 days, had a low albumin level, and had the Glasgow Coma Scale score of 4-7.

Conclusion: In this study pressure wound was found to be a high risk in patients with CVD. Accordingly it is recommended that factors affecting pressure wound in CVD patients be evaluated and that education programs be organized for health care team needs to take necessary precautions, particularly the nurses on controlling these factors.

EISSN 2687-6442