Aim: The purpose of this study is to determine eff ect of task-oriented and employee-oriented leadership behaviors on the job satisfaction organizational commitment and job stress of health care service employees are examined.
Method: This descriptive and correlational study was conducted 300 employees (nurse) from 10 diff erent health care facilites in Kocaeli. In this study questionnaire form was used as data collection method. This form items were included task and employee-orıented leadershıp behavior job satisfaction, organizational commitment and job stres.
Results: As a result of this study; Task-oriented leadership behavior is higher tthan employee-orıented leadershıp behavior. Task-Oriented Leadership has no aff ect on job satisfaction and organizational commitment however, it does have more aff ect on job stress. On the other side, Individual Oriented Leadership is observed to have eff ect on job satisfaction, organizational commitment and job stress.
Conclusion: Promoting the reinforcement and consulting (mentorship) behavior of the employee oriented leadership behavior and defining responsibility of job and controlling the behavior of the task oriented behavior by the hospital managers will procure the opportunity to be more efficient at workplace for the nurses.