Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing

Middle East Cancer Consortium—Development of Palliative Care Services for Cancer Patients


Middle Ease Cancer Consortium, Haifa, Israel

Florence Nightingale J Nurs 2023; 31: Special 45-51
DOI: 10.5152/FNJN.2023.23041
Read: 917 Downloads: 478 Published: 01 April 2023

When patients are diagnosed with cancer, they lose the mode of living they have been accustomed to and face difficulties in coping with the new complexed medical condition. In the case of advanced stages of cancer, patients lose the ability to take an active role in decisions related to priority in treatment modality, decision-making, and planning. In addition, these patients lose the ability of choice—to agree to a certain mode of treatment, who will treat them, and where. Thus, these kinds of decisions are between family members and the treating team. This can happen only when both the formal caregivers and to lesser degree the informal partners are exposed to ongoing educational activities and training by both local experienced palliative care experts and international initiated courses (both frontal and remote). This article provides recommendations needed for an effective strategy at national levels to develop appropriate ways, whereby governmental agencies and non-governmental organizations can promote the establishment of palliative care services at all levels from primary to tertiary in each individual country. The basis for the above will rely on the experience that was gained through the application of palliative care principles.

Cite this article as: Silbermann, M. (2023). Middle east cancer consortium—development of palliative care services for cancer patients. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing, 31(S1), 45-51.

EISSN 2687-6442