Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing
Research Article

Nurse Practitioners’ Stigma around Patients Diagnosed with HIV/AIDS


Hemşire BANVİT, Balıkesir/TURKEY,


Prof. Dr. İstanbul Üniversitesi Florence Nightingale Hemşirelik Fakültesi, İstanbul/TURKEY

Florence Nightingale J Nurs 2016; 24: 155-164
DOI: 10.17672/fnhd.59062
Read: 1509 Downloads: 755 Published: 29 November 2019

Aim: This study was conducted with aim of investigating stigmatisation towards HIV/AIDS diagnosed patients in healthcarestaff , the factors aff ecting the stigmatisation and eff ects on care giving processes.

Method: The data consists of survey responses by 95 nurses that work in a public hospital and match predermined participant criteria. Survey questions were devised to inquire into stigmatisation of HIV/AIDS diagnosed patient and to collect demographic information from the participants.

Results: The data was conducted on 95 nurses, %88,4 of people in the study women, %11,6 were males. %69,5 of nurses on HIV/AIDS have in sufficient knowledge and %63,2 of nurses didn’t stigmastise HIV/AIDS diagnosed patients. It was determined that majority of the nurses didn’t want to share the same room and work at the same place with HIV/AIDS diagnosed patients, further more that they were hesitant to be a friend with them. It was found that the majority of the nurses in the study didn’t have any HIV/AIDS diagnosed family members or friends and that they were volunteer to give care when one of the relatives were diagnosed HIV/AIDS. Besides %53.7 nurses stated that there was no diff erence between the care they gave HIV/AIDS diagnosed patients and the other patients at the service.

Conclusion: As in this study ıt was found that a large number of the nurses didn’t treat the patient diagnosed with HIV/ AIDS, this result concluded that need more research investiagting stigmatisation towards HIV/AIDS diagnosed patients with a larger sample group giving care HIV/AIDS diagnosed patients.

EISSN 2687-6442