Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing
Research Article

Quality of Life of Caregivers of Women Receiving Cancer Treatment in Turkey


Department of Nursing, Halic University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey


Koc University Graduate School of Health Sciences, İstanbul, Turkey


Koç University, School of Nursing, İstanbul, Turkey


Department of Nursing, University of Massachusetts Amherst College of Nursing, MA, USA

Florence Nightingale J Nurs 2023; 31: Special 31-37
DOI: 10.5152/FNJN.2023.22235
Read: 1105 Downloads: 507 Published: 01 April 2023

AIM: The study aims to explore the predictors of the quality of life of caregivers of women receiving cancer treatment in Turkey.

METHOD: This study was conducted in a Medical-Oncology inpatient clinic of a University Hospital in Istanbul, Turkey, between February and June 2020. Descriptive data were collected from 128 family caregivers using caregiver and patient identification forms and the quality of life scale— family version. Bivariate analyses and multiple regression were used to analyze the data.

RESULTS: The mean score of the quality of life was 4.41 (standard deviation=0.63). A backward multiple regression revealed that being female caregivers, increased time spent for care per day, and caring for women with metastatic cancer were factors associated with poor quality of life.

CONCLUSION: Although caregiving responsibilities bring challenges to every caregiver, those who are at high risk for impaired quality of life during caregiving need further support in their caregiving to maintain quality of life. Further research should focus on finding solutions to better support caregivers who are experiencing impairment in their quality of life.

Cite this article as: Keleş, M. N., Salameh, T., & Seven, M. (2023). Quality of life of caregivers of women receiving cancer treatment in Turkey. Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing, 31(S1), 31-37.

EISSN 2687-6442