Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing

School Bullying in the Contex of Human and Children Rights

Florence Nightingale J Nurs 2008; 16: 65-70
Read: 1451 Downloads: 816 Published: 20 December 2019

Schools are institutions that bring in knowledge, value and positive behaviors to their students and prepare them to a peaceful life. All children and youth had the right to be protected and to be trained in a secure school environmnet. To talk about bullying and violence in the schools are opposite to these principles. The victimised students could experience serious physical and psychological weakness in short term. Bullying could effect victimised students' personality and education in the long term as well. Bullying at schools not only cause short time serious physical and emotional weaknesses but also cause long time negative effects on students personality and education. This impacts also affects the families of the children, the teachers and the school administrators. Therefore bullying is an issue which must be paid attention by the health professional such as doctors, school nurses and psychologist. School bullying, which is the hidden form of bullying, is generally ruled out and not taken into consideration too much can be beter determined from the point view of human right violations Other perspectives except this point of view is simplified buulying as to harm others and are focused to individual behaviors in the solution of the problem which effective attempts could not be implemented in the prevention of bullying. Bullying can be decreased and successful prevention attempts can be provided for long time implementations if the prevention programs implementations at the schools had taken into consideration from the human right approaches. 

EISSN 2687-6442