Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing
Research Article

Senior Nursing Schools Students’ Views on Organ Donation


Prof. Dr. İ.Ü. Florence Nightingale Hemşirelik Fakültesi


Araş. Gör. Bil. Uzm. İ.Ü. Florence Nightingale Hemşirelik Fakültesi


Dr. İ.Ü. Florence Nightingale Hemşirelik Fakültesi


İzmir Katip Çelebi University Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Pediatric Nursing, İzmir, Turkey


Yrd. Doç. Dr. Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi Sağlık Yüksekokulu Hemşirelik Bölümü

Florence Nightingale J Nurs 2012; 20: 1-9
Read: 1467 Downloads: 837 Published: 17 December 2019

Aim: The study aimed to determine the views of senior nursing school students on organ donation and to provide suggestions in accordance with the results obtained

Method: The study aimed to determine the views of senior nursing school students on organ donation and it was made in descriptive type. The data have been collected from 5 senior nursing school students in Istanbul between January –March 2007 who volunteer to participate in the study and fi ll in the questionnaire which was prepared in accordance with the literature and on which expert opinion was taken (n=330). The data, consist of 43 guestions were collected by questionnaire (6 questions about demographic properties and the other questions about wievs on organ donation). Data were evaluated by percentage, chi square and yates test.

Results: The average age of participants is 22.29±1.18. Most of the students (97%) stated that they had a positive opinion on organ donation but that inadequate information on organ donation was provided during their education (57.8%). 68.5% of the students stated that as nursing school students, they consider themselves to be responsible for increasing the level of organ donation however only 48% of the students declared that they were willing to donate their organs. 73% of participants are of the opinion that relatives of those people who donate their organs should not receive fi nancial awards from the receiver of the organs in order to increase the level of organ donation in the society whereas 81% of the participants are of the opinion that moral awards (plaquette, written document authorization) may be given.

Conclusions: Knowledge of the students of organ donation is inadequate. The results of this study support the opinion that nursing school students should receive comprehensive information on organ donation during their education 

EISSN 2687-6442