Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing
Research Article

The Effect Of Dry Powder Volume Of Flacon Antibiotics On Administered Dosage

Florence Nightingale J Nurs 2008; 16: 7-15
Read: 1362 Downloads: 807 Published: 20 December 2019

Purpose: Data about effect of dry powder volume of flacon antibiotics on drug amount and the nurses' practices is to determined. Type of the study: Descriptive.

Method: Data were obtained from 300 nurses who accepted to participate to the study, working in pediatrics departments of different hospitals in ‹stanbul. Findings and Results: The study was definitive and completed in two stages. In the first stage, the frequently used flacon antibiotics diluted by two researchers and the effect of dry powders volumes on total amount was determined. In the second stage, nurses practices related with this subject were determined with questionnaire forms by interviews. Data were analyzed with percentage and chi-square methods. It was determined that when antibiotics in powder form were diluted, the total amount exceded the amount or liqued used for mixing, therefore the drug concentration per mililiter was lower.

Results: Majority of the nurses (86,7%) were not taking the volume of dry powder into account while calculating the dosage, it was not correlated with educational status or reading the prospectuses (p= .142, p= .493), years of work had an effect; nurses working in pediatrics departments over five years were significantly more careful (p= .041).

Conclusion: When the dry powder volume is not taken into account while calculating the drug dosage, the administered dosage may change especially in children,therefore it is suggested that the fact that dry powder volume increases the total amount should be stated on prospectuses and taken place in nurses basic and in-service education. 

EISSN 2687-6442