Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing

What is A Care Bundle?


Doç. Dr. Bezmialem Vakıf Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi, Hemşirelik Bölümü, İstanbul/ TURKEY

Florence Nightingale J Nurs 2017; 25: 145-151
DOI: 10.17672/fnhd.74202
Read: 4232 Downloads: 1063 Published: 19 July 2017

The care bundle is an explicit tool with clear parameters. A care bundle usually consists of a group of between three and five evidence-based interventions. Institute for Healthcare Improvement developed the concept of “bundles” to help health care providers more reliably deliver the best possible care for patients undergoing treatments with risks. It is mostly used by intensive care units. Interventions of care bundle are related to a particular condition or event in patient care. Interventions of care bundle are all necessary and all sufficient. The power of the care bundle comes from the body of science behind it and the method of implementation: with complete consistency. The changes in the care bundle are all necessary and all sufficient. It resembles a checklist, but a bundle is more than that. The care bundle has specific elements that make it unique: such as number of items, the level of evidence items (level I or II), liability levels (an identified person or team owns it). There are three problems seen on the use of care bundle: don’t complete the care bundle as a whole, attempt addition to an enhanced care bundle, tendency to want to call everything a bundle. Finally, it is important that the care bundle is done as a whole for the expected outcomes.: 

EISSN 2687-6442