Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing
Research Article

Assesment of Relation Between Beck Depression Scale Results and Pain Levels of the Patients With Knee Osteoartrit

Florence Nightingale J Nurs 2007; 15: 129-138
Read: 1244 Downloads: 774 Published: 20 December 2019

This study has been planned in order to asses relation between Beck Depression Scale results and pain levels of the patients diognosed work knee osteart. 140subjects who were treated at Mu¤la County State Hospital,at the Physical Treatment wads with Gonartros diagnosis and thir sicnesses,pain leveels,pain cases have been assessed by means of VAS(Visual Analog Scala),and Simple Pain Scala and their depression levels have been assessed throught Beck Depression Scale Of the patients 10.0% were males, 50.0% were females,their age, height,weight averages were 61.84±9.77 years, 158.76± 7.40 cms, 70.75 ± 13.45 kg, 59.3% were house wives, 53.6% were primary school gradvates,97.1% used medicine owing to their sicnesses.of the Gonartospatients 30.7% had one knee pain, 69.3%had knees pain ,thair pain, thair pain duration were from 1 year to 45 years and almost 30% had pain for 1 year to 45 years and almost 30% had pain for 1 or 2 years. It has been observed that pain levels of the patients were high and 47.9% of the patients got 24 depressive points or over and a a meaninnful relation was determined in the corrrelation analysis.(p<0.05) It has been determined that there was no meaningful relation among BDS and pain cases and spontaneus pain (resting pain ) first step pain, pain after decily activites (p>0.05) but a meaningful relation while moving for instance a pain while climbing up and down the ladder, or walking up has been determined (p<0.05) 

EISSN 2687-6442