Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing
Research Article

The Effect on Women’s Beliefs. Knowledge, and Practices Regarding Breast Self Examination of Education With Video

Florence Nightingale J Nurs 2007; 15: 119-128
Read: 1186 Downloads: 737 Published: 20 December 2019

This research has been carried out comparing the effect on breast self-exam›nat›on belief, knowledge, and practicing of education with video This theorical study has been planned according to the research principles of pre test-post test at one group. “Health Belief Model” on Breast Cancer Screening adapted by Champion, and proved its validity and reliability was accepted as foundation and applied to many groups. Thirty-two female who were working in Ordu Health Office during the time of the research agreed to join the research. In order to collect data, question forms were used. This included Champion's Health Belief Model Scales of Breast cancer screening and the control list regarding how to do BSE. Group was asked to watch a-20-minute video film explainning breast cancer screening. Group were given handouts and they were reminded by telephone what to do. The collected data were evaluated by computer by using the following tests: descriptive statics, Mann-Whitney U, t test and Chi Square test. At the results of the education given benefits, perceived self-efficacy of breast self-examination, and health motivation increased to relative before education given them. In addition the women also improved in their knowledge and practicing of BSE. This study showed that method of education with video was effective in changing health beliefs regarding breast cancer screening and in the same level increasing knowledge and practicing of BSE.  

EISSN 2687-6442