Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing
Research Article

Relation of Professional Values of the Nurses with Their Individualized Care Perceptions


Hemşire Bursa Çekirge Devlet Hastanesi


Prof. Dr. İstanbul Üniversitesi Florence Nightingale Hemşirelik Fakültesi

Florence Nightingale J Nurs 2015; 23: 32-40
Read: 1786 Downloads: 1055 Published: 16 December 2019

Aim: The study was carried out with an intention to assess the professional values and individualized care preceptions of the nurses and the interrelaiton between them. Method: The universe of the stud y contemplated in a descriptive and relation-seeking manner consists of the nurses employed in the intensive carre, surgery and internal medicine services in two state hospitals and one training and research hospital located in Bursa and the sampling group consists of 400 nurses elected with stratifi ed sampling method from these services. The research data were gathered by means of Information Form, Professional Values Scale of the Nurses and Individualized Care Scale-A Nurse Version. The data acquired were analysed in SPSS 15.0 packaged software with arithmetic average, standard deviation, frequency, percentage distribution, Sperman’s rank correlation coeffi cient and Cronbach’s Alpha coeffi cient. Results: Nurses’ Professional Values Scale total mean score was 123.55±19.36’ and factors mean scores were Human Dignity 44.05±7.24, Responsibility 26.62± 5.32, Action 19.25±3.57, Safety 16.26±2.77, Autonomy 16.76± 3.01. Nurses’ Individualized Care Scale-A-Nurse Version total item points average was determined as 3.88±0.66 and sub-dimensional item points average were determined as Clinical Situation 4.09±0.62, Personal Life Situation 3.36±1.03, Decisional Control 3.98±0.74. A positive high level of substantive relation was noticed between the total and factor averages of Nurses’ Professional Values Scale and Individualized Care Scale sub-dimensional item point averages (p<0.001). Conclusion: İt was determined that the nurses had good level of professional values and individualized care perception and that they attached more particular importance on the individual characteristics of the patient during care as much as their perception on professional values grew

EISSN 2687-6442