Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing
Research Article

The Importance Of Sexual Counselling and Vaginal Dilatation In The Gynecologic Cancer Patients Who Have Undergone Radiotherapy

Florence Nightingale J Nurs 2003; 13: 105-113
Read: 1213 Downloads: 702 Published: 23 December 2019

Radyotherapy has a vital importance in the treatment of gyneocologic cancer. However in gynecologic cancer; radiotherapy applied to pelvis and pelvic lymph node in the form of external (ERT) or/ and brachytherapy (ICRT) cause various vaginal dysfunctions. Those dysfunctions caused by radiotherapy; explained as the shrinkage of vaginal channels progresively by loosing elasticity and sensitivity as a result of slow down of circulation and spread of fibrose in submucosal walls. Maintaince of vaginal channels is absolutely necessary in order that patients can have decent life quality as well as follow up of the cancer. Because, the evaluation of local control is only possible vaginal examination. Vaginal walls should be retracted after the radiotherapy in order to maintain vaginal channels and to prevent the formation of fibrose fibres and adhesion. This can be done in two ways. First one is; to encourage women to have sexual intercouse 3-4 times a week, the other one is to maintain vaginal channels by teaching and supporting vaginal dilatation to women until sexual intercourse is reaching to normal level. Vaginal dilatation minimized dsyfunction in the vagina after the radiotherapy. Vaginal dilatation can combined with sexual intercourse and facilitates an active role of women in maintaining vaginal channels and protecting her own health. 

EISSN 2687-6442