Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing
Research Article

Opinions of relative.1· and husbands of women who attended to the birth action in the hmpital

Florence Nightingale J Nurs 2004; 13: 49-58
Read: 1247 Downloads: 681 Published: 23 December 2019

This study has been held in order to determine the evaluations of husbands and relatives of women who gave birth in hospital. The descriptive sample of the research has been selected 330 women applying to the hospital for normal birth. Percentace metod was used in the evaluation of the data, which was collected though a survey form. During birth the 38% of the women were with their mothers. This was the preference of the women giving birth. The 83.3% of the women wanted their relatives to be close to them for support. 

The 48.5% of the women wished their husbands to be close to them during birth. The 51.5% did not wish their husbands to be close to them. The husbands of the 76.4%of the women waited outside the birth room. During labor pains, the 44.4% of the women wished their husbands to be close to them by explaining "iis support, I want him to hold my hand and speak to me". The 38.8% of the women expl ained th:1t they did not want their husbands to be close to them by thought of "I feel ashamed, or religiously and supposedly forbidden". 

EISSN 2687-6442