Florence Nightingale Journal of Nursing

Learning Theories and Reflection to the Nursing Education


Arş. Gör. Dr. İstanbul Üniversitesi Florence Nightingale Hemşirelik Fakültesi

Florence Nightingale J Nurs 2009; 17: 144-150
Read: 1854 Downloads: 912 Published: 19 December 2019

Learning is a process that continues during life long and forms permanent changings in behavior. Learning theories are assumptions about how these changings occur and develop in behavior. And also by this theories; thoughts, behaviors, values and attitudes can be understood. It is urgent to use different learning theories in nursing education programs because of nurse educators’ educate students who have different socio-culturel characteristics, experiences and skills. Therefore educators who play role in education process of nursing students and healthy/ill individuals must know learning theories and reflect to practice. In the light of this explanations, in this article it is argued that the principles of learning theories and their reflection to the nursing education and also basic principles are considered while restructuring/creating the nursing education programs.

EISSN 2687-6442